TL;DR: Set the hilight colors for bad spelling in the vimrc
Solution can be found here. Basically, gruvbox is using some fancy features, particularly undercurls, which may not be supported in the terminal. This can be worked around by setting the SpellBad colors after the colorscheme is called.
hi SpellBad cterm=underline ctermfg=red
In my testing my vimrc, I found it important to call
filetype plugin on
syntax enable
before I call colorscheme gruvbox
In the event that undercurls are desirable, the vimhelp document about the :hilight section notes these commands:
let &t_Cs = "\e[4:3m"
let &t_Ce = "\e[4:0m"
In vim, filetype indent is not automatically set to on by default. I specifically will want it turned on for a handful of filetypes, particularly YAML, since that’s whitespace sensitive and the filetype indent plugin for it is well-written.
:filetype indent on
YAML (probably python, also, since it’s similarly whitespace sensitive)
indenting doesn’t really work well if the line being indented is
under-indented. The formatter does not want to accidentally move the scope of a
line too deep, which makes sense. However, if the top-most context in a block
is correctly indented, and all subsequent contents are shifted further in, the
formatting will correctly handle them. Similarly, once this context is
achieved, the vim wrapping gqq
and etc, will correctly manage a visual
grep ... --color
can be used to make the output more readable in the
terminal, it defaults to ‘auto’. It also accepts ‘always’ and ‘never’:
If you want to pipe that to a pager like less, however, the ‘auto’ default will
turn color off, since it uses terminal control codes to effect colors. This is
a sensible default, as most programs will not recognize color control codes.
Less can deal with colors if you tell it to interpret raw control codes,
however, if you use -R
grep ... --color=always | less -R
less will render this piped output nicely, which depending on your version of grep can include highlighting the search string, the filenames, etc.
Using multiple accounts on github is most easily achieved by using ssh key login, and a custom ssh config file. A good overview of the procedure is here
The critical bit is getting the git repo to configure correctly on a per-user
basis. When git configured to use ssh keys, it will read from top-bottom the
ssh config, and use the first matching pattern. The ssh config file (see
man ssh_config
) can typically be found at ~/.ssh/config
, and defines the
Host entries in order.
In an individual git repo, the remote origin can be seen by using
git config -l
or git remote get-url origin
. This url is read by git as an
ssh Host entry, and it will match against the first Host, and replace
everything between the user (git@
) and the repository
) with the HostName defined in the ssh config
So, with a ~/.ssh/config
Host entry of:
Host github-example
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_example
The command
git remote origin set-url git@github-example:example_user/example_repo.git
will correctly use the url [email protected]:example_user/example_repo.git
, but
will supply the IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_example
, which github will recognize
on a 1:1 basis with the correct user.
Other, more complex rules, such as anti-matching
) are available, but out of scope of this note.